Meet the Team

Steve Zimmerman is the founder and President of Zimmerman Marine, Inc. Steve has logged several thousand miles on the water, including the entire East Coast from Canada to the Caribbean, the Pacific Northwest from Anacortes WA to Glacier Bay Alaska, and over forty trips between the Chesapeake and Long Island Sound. He has raced, cruised, and worked as a paid hand and captain.
Steve graduated from the University of Virginia and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. While in college Steve developed and directed a non-profit consumer protection agency which mediated complaints between consumers and merchants.

Kathryn grew up on Gwynn’s Island in Mathews County VA and first learned the ropes from her dad in the family marine business. Kathryn has worked in the marine industry for over 20 years and has been involved in HR management, accounting, purchasing, scheduling, sales, & marketing. She is a graduate of Virginia Tech, with a management degree and is fascinated with human resources, psychology and what makes businesses successful. Kathryn manages our admin staff at all locations, oversees our database, manages our benefits, and has overall responsibility for A/R, A/P, payroll, and financial information. She also serves on the board for the Virginia Marine Trades Association.

Max Parker is a confirmed boat nut and loves just about everything involved with being on the water. He has been in the boating industry for over 15 years involved in all aspects of vessel repair. He has been with ZMI for over a decade working as a rigger, electrician, and systems tech. From cruising his Island Packet 31 with his family to delivering boats up and down the east coast, he rarely passes up a chance to test a boat.
Max graduated from East Carolina University with a degree in Communications.

Steve Wallace, a Maine native, started his career in the New York area, building and managing marinas. He gradually became more involved in the service side, and has managed boatyards in New England, Texas, and Virginia, where he served as ZMI's operations manager for five years. Steve has sailed extensively, along the East coast from Maine to Florida, and in the Caribbean. Despite his Maine roots, Steve feels at home in warmer climates. He is happy to be back in Mathews.
Steve graduated from Maine Maritime Academy with a degree in marine management.

Adam, a California native, grew up sailing on San Francisco Bay. He taught sailing at San Diego State University and has owned and campaigned many boats. Adam has over 30,000 ocean miles racing and cruising on the west coast from Oregon to Zihuatanejo, Mexico. He comes to us from Svendsen’s Boat Works in the San Francisco Bay Area where he was the Boatyard Foreman.
Adam graduated from San Diego State University with a degree in Economics.

Mike had an early start in boat work, regularly being sent off to scoop out the leaky skiff at his granddad’s Mathews County farm. He learned to sail with his dad on Smith Mountain Lake in southwest Virginia. Manufacturing and accounting careers followed after completion of a Chemistry degree from West Virginia University. Branching off into the maritime trades, he worked as a deckhand with Woodwind Schooners in Annapolis, where he also taught sailing at Chesapeake Sailing School. Before joining Zimmerman Marine, he was general manager of Cutts and Case Shipyard in Oxford, Maryland.

Ian has been around boats and boat yards literally since he was born. The Zimmerman family lived adjacent to the original Mathews yard, and Ian grew up playing around the boatyard. Swinging in a bosun's chair from the yard crane was one of many ways he experienced the boat yard setting. The yard provided many opportunities to experience sailing on a wide variety of boats. Ian attended Stevenson University in Towson MD where he played basketball and earned a business degree. After college Ian started his own boat detailing business, and worked for several other companies before joining ZMI.

Stephanie has been around boats and water her entire life.
She was born and raised in a small town in central Florida which was known for its chain of 18 fresh water lakes. At a very young age she learned to wake board as well as other water sports.
She moved to Ft Lauderdale when she was 24 and worked in the service side of the marine industry as a manager for over 7 years.
She said she found her true passion in the boating industry

Adam is a North Carolina native that has been around boats and the water most of his life. He has logged several thousand hours in the backwaters of Brunswick County as well as offshore fishing in the gulf stream.
He has been in the marine industry for 16 years in marina service operations. Adam is captain for the Zimmerman Marine fishing team, which fishes around 12 tournaments a year. He is a believer in team building and general camaraderie.

Casey grew up on Daufuskie Island, a water locked island accessible only by boat. Every day was spent on the water in some way, as his parents owned and operated a yacht management/service company. He grew up learning the ins and outs of boat workings and was a tug captain for a marine contracting company in the low country for a time. He eventually moved to Charleston and stayed close to the water working as the project manager for a company specializing in lightning struck boats.
He and his wife Kelly purchased a fixer upper about a year ago and are busy renovating. He has a boat ramp in his back yard that gets him out on the water whenever he can find the time and loves to fish but just enjoys being out there too.
He welcomes new challenges and opportunities for growth, which Zimmerman offers every day. Boating is a passion he will never out grow.

Haywood May grew up in New Bern, NC, spending most of his free time from an early age on the water. He was fortunate to have grandparents and parents who loved the water and cannot remember a time when there was not some kind of boat in the family. He managed a yacht yard in Maine for 16 years, and has made 20+ round trips on the inland waterway, many trips to the Southeast Coast of Nova Scotia, and one transatlantic sailing trip, as well as Bermuda and the Bahamas, and some of the Pacific Northwest. He stills goes boating at every free opportunity.

Bob has 45 years of boating experience on the Great Lakes, Chesapeake Bay and off-shore waters of the U.S. Atlantic Seaboard and Caribbean. He holds a U.S. Coast Guard 100-Ton Master's Certificate.
Bob shares his love of the water as a writer, marine industry consultant, boat training capatain, and scuba instructor. He provides boat owners with lessons in seamanship, safety systems, handling and vessel operation, at the TrawlerFest boat show seminar series and boat brands owner's clubs.
As an award-winning published writer, his articles on seamanship and boating lifestyle can be seen in Power & Motor Yachts, Marinalife, Passagemaker, Soundings and Southern Boating Magazines. Based in St. Petersburg, FL he and his photographer wife Dori cruise extensively aboard their trawler Liberdade, looking for the next story to tell.